The title of this topic describes me all in one word. If you look at my blogs history I have not posted on here since March I think it said..MARCH, thats like 7 months ago. Oh my golly gosh, that really is not too good, especially if im trying to build and grow my photography. Well, while i havnt been on here ive still been out there, shooting, i mean taking lovely pictures of people and their babies and beautiful weddings and sports and bla bla bla..I am actually lucky enough to be working with an awesome lady called Christine of Epic photography, it only took 2 years for me to find someone like her to work for, and it happen oh so casually like "oh Lesley would you like to assist me next weekend for a wedding??, I was like hell yeh, ive been waiting like for ever for someone to ask me and I had been posting on forums and facebook and asking people, I was so desperate to get out there and second shoot with somebody as I didnt want to go out on my own yet. Anyway, ever since then Ive been working with Christine and I absolutely love it...Why??? She is a great person, she lets me keep the pictures i take, (I can blog them, not that I have cause Im a procrastinator) I can use them and ive made sample albums up with them, she values me and my work.
Well I thought i had better touch base and leave you with a picture. Here is a couple of pictures of my sister in-law, she is due to give birth any day now.

How ever, why have I decided to blog???
Jasmin* one word, she has re-inspired me to stop procrastinating and get blogging again so, here I am and I WILL be back. Im in Melbourne at the moment so hopefully I will get a spare chance tonight to blog some more or tomorrow if im not shopping:)
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