last week my gorgeous cousin Jo-Anne married her best friend..
This girl is an inspiration to me, the way she has changed her life and devoted her life and soul to our father in heaven.
She is such a genuine amazing caring person who has a heart of gold and beauty to go with it.
I enjoyed their ceremony so much it was so beautiful and heart touching and i think thats what they wanted to achieve.
Jason and Jo work at a christian rehab center for troubled teenagers and adults who struggle with addictions and life, that is where they met and fell in love.
They had a choir sing songs and hymns and some solo singers, all who were from a troubled past and they done such a beautiful job.It was like a church sevice as well as a wedding ceremony.
It was their wedding day and they wanted to share part of their christian, church life with their friends and family, to show us whats important to them, church, god, each other, family and the people they counsel to help them get back on track.
I wish them all the best and im sure they are going to be happy and in love for the rest of their lives, you can just see the way they look at each other and care for one another.
gorgeous shots lesley! :) congrats to your cousin! :)