April 19, 2009

been a while..

Well i hav'nt put a written post up here for ages, and a lot of what i wrote before i deleted and i kinda wish i didnt now as there were a lot of things about how i was unsure about how im going to get to where i want to be as a photographer and thinking its all to big for me to acheive the things in life as a photographer that i dream of and it would have been good for me to look back on in time..
Well anyway just last week i registered my business name, Lesley Desmond Photography...
I guess thats one more step closer to where i want to be plus im lining up some 2nd shooting oportunities along the way and i have my first wedding booked for December...I am so so soooo super excited...
I always think to myself and say to my husband, when we think what would be best for us, but it actually isnt, and when we wonder why things happen the way they do or don't, I beleive that it happened or it didnt happen for a reason..when one door closes, another door opens, and I always always believe that things happen for a reason and we cant be quite sure why it happen but it did and we will realise later WHY and in some cases maybe we wont but I realise and I know in a lot of my own personal experiences that we have been looked after.. I beleive in a higher power who knows more than we do about ourselves and knows whats best for us if we seek those things he will help us also...
I beleive in my heavenly father and i am thankful for all that he has blessed me and my family with, I know that what we have acheived in life so far that it wouldnt have been possible if he didnt have anything to do with it..
So I believe that if my desire stays strong and belive in myself and continue to chase the dream that i know makes me happy then i know if I keep the faith and beleive in myself that I CAN do this then YES I will get there..
Yes I will be the photographer that i want to be...
AND I know that its not gonna be easy and im not going to be a busy busy busy photographer with loads of work and my calender booked out for the rest of the year and i really dont mind because i know it takes time to build things and i am in no hurry..
Also I have a young family.. it might be possible to get like that instantly, maybe, if i drove my self crazy with promoting myself, who knows, but first things first.....MY FAMILY.... MY BABIES AND MY HUSBAND...
Before i had a hard time calling myself a photographer and now its slowly starting to feel right and i think if you see my pictures they speak for them selves and i guess if people keep telling me how wonderful my work is then i guess it must be..

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